Sunday 4 November 2012

Our Beliefs@ REYNET.

Community youth development, or CYD, is a philosophy emphasizing the uniquely symbiotic nature of youth development to community development by situating the two practices in a common framework. CYD combines the natural instincts of young people as they desire to create change in their surrounding environments by developing partnerships between youth-related organizations and community development agencies to create new opportunities for youth to serve their communities while developing their personal abilities.

Youth philanthropy is the donation of time, energy or resources, including money, by children and youths towards philanthropic causes. According to one study, "youth philanthropy is, at the broadest level, youth giving of their time, talents and treasure. It is seen as an effective means in which youth develop knowledge of and participate in philanthropic projects such as volunteering, grant writing and community service.

Evolving capacities is the concept in which education, child development and youth development programs led by adults takes into account the capacities of the child or youth to exercise rights on his or her own behalf. The concept of evolving capacities is employed internationally as a direct alternative to popular concepts of child and youth development.

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